SOQI Home Spa @ Hougang


An antioxidant protects cells,help to digestive and encourage proper nutrient absorption. Enzymes are catalytic proteins: Enzymes are not only the foundation and catalysts of human life, they are fundamental to having and maintaining healthy cells and thereby a healthy mind and body. They spawn chemical reactions between two substances to generate a new substance; and, They regulate chemical processes in living cells. Enzymes regulate the normal processes of digestion, absorption, detoxification, blood circulation, and waste removal all essential to the very functions that makes human life possible. Enzymes are not only the foundation of human life, they are                                                             fundamental for the HEALTH!

Sun Ancon total Enzymes Granule

Enzymes are catalytic proteins: They spawn chemical reactions between two substances to generate a new substance; and, They regulate chemical processes in living cells. Simply, enzymes regulate the complex processes of life itself.Our Total Enzyme extracts from 86 kinds of Vegetables and fruits, including all kinds of enzymes for our body needs. Through the Catalysis from the Enzyme, it can increase the metabolism , balance our body PH, improve digestions and absorption, to maintain our body function.

Sun Ancon Chi Formula

Our Chi Formula herbal aerobic food is specially formulated, primarily from Siberian Ginseng, in combination with other compounds.  Our Chi Formula provides a perfect combination of health maintenance as well as therapy ---destroying and purging you of the things threatening your health and then bestowing on you great energy and vitality leading to more radiant beauty. Anticipate your internal organs regaining their function without any side effects.